On the Record with Olivia
In on the record, we speak with members of the Precious Sound community about their music truths, precious mementos, and more.
This week, we sit down with Precious Sounds Social Media Manager, Olivia, and take a dive into the music that shaped her, her dabbling in the music industry, and how she has grown into being a joyful spectator of music.
The Frequency: What most excited you about Precious Sound’s silver, gold, and platinum records?
Olivia: What excited me the most about Precious Sound is the power that this product has to bring a new wave of keepsakes, especially to people like me who were born in the late 90s. We understand the idea of heirlooms and keepsakes as our grandmother's china, and this brings a modern take to something that can be enjoyed and passed down for generations to come.
The Frequency: When you think about family heirlooms, do you think our records will be displayed more or played more?
Olivia: I hope they would be played more! I remember it took my mother inheriting my grandmother’s china and silver for us to ever use it, it brought that much more of a desire to create memories surrounding these keepsakes rather than only displaying them.
The Frequency: What song or artist would you like to see (and hear) on a gold record?
Olivia: I would LOVE to hear Emily King on a gold record. Her music has been so nostalgic for me as she has been with me through many seasons of life.
The Frequency: Is there an Emily King Song that particularly speaks to you?
Olivia: Hands down Off Center from her album ‘The Switch’. It was the song that introduced me to her, I still remember where I was and who I was with and the euphoria I experienced listening to the bridge and the instrumental. She holds the award of bringing me to tears in concert, well her and Justin Bieber (I was 17).
The Frequency: What did music mean to you growing up?
Olivia: Music at one point was my entire life, it meant everything to me. My first memory of music was me singing Colors of the Wind at my school talent show in 1st grade. From there it was piano and voice lessons, musical theater, singing in church, to writing songs for other artists,– it was my sport!
The Frequency: It’s always amazing how certain music or songs can trigger a memory. Are there other songs that bring back memories of your musical childhood?
Olivia: Most definitely anything from the Musical Wicked, it was the first show I saw on Broadway and it inspired me to step into musical theater, I am sure I’d still be able to sing every word.
The Frequency: What role does music play in your life today?
Olivia: Like many people with any kind of musical talent, I heard things like “you should go on American Idol” or “you’re going to be the next (insert artist here), and it put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me to perform, and it made me take a step back to reconnect with that love I had. Today, I find joy in writing songs no one may ever hear, rooting for my friends in the industry, and finding fulfillment in consuming music!
The Frequency: How do you listen to music? What rituals do you have around listening to music?
Olivia: Growing up, I had the perfect view out of my window of the sunset, and I made it a regular ritual to watch the sun go down while listening to an album front to back. I remember Childish Gambino’s "Awaken, My Love!” and Adele’s 25. Today, I still practice that on walks with my dog or while I am cooking dinner, my current favorites are Lucky Daye’s CandyDrip and Lizzie McAlpine’s five seconds flat.
The Frequency: What’s on your playlist these days?
All of my friends! My sweet friend Emily Brimlow is working on an album and has some amazing singles, my friend Brittney Spencer is killing it in the country scene with The High Women and has just released an EP, and this song from my friend Andrew Blooms makes me cry every time I hear it.
The Frequency: Wow, it sounds like our next Precious Sound playlist should be a Friends of Olivia playlist. What does an ideal evening look like to you?
Olivia: After fueling my workday with music, I turn on a new playlist or album while I cook dinner for my boyfriend and myself, I have gotten very into cooking lately and it helps me unwind from a busy day. During dinner it’s always “Hey Google, play my playlist Piano Chill on Apple Music”, and we laugh because 50% of the time we will say it at the same time, it’s become such a ritual. After dinner, maybe a glass of wine or a cocktail we messed up on, and the easy switch over to some Chet Baker while we catch up and cuddle with our little Aussie pup Rocky. Lastly, a good night always ends in a chapter or two of our favorite books read aloud currently reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and Devotions by Mary Oliver.